The way Czech Development Cooperation sees our Ethiopian projects
An article was published on the website of the Czech Development Cooperation, which acknowledged the efforts that we, together with Mendel University in Brno, devoted to pilot project Holistic Management and Climate Smart Agriculture in SNNPR and we are devoting to the current Introduction of Holistic Landscape Management Project in SNNPR.
"We are very pleased with the successful implementation of the pilot phase of the project and its continuation. During the monitoring of the project at the end of November last year, it was found that 80% of the rehabilitated area of 30 ha no longer suffered from erosion. The local community has also accepted the principles of territorial management and adheres to the established agreements. Last August, there was also a practical workshop on the implementation of erosion control and water management works. Beyond that, the project has established good cooperation with local schools that have built up compost and fish ponds and teaches young people nature conservation and soil management, which I consider very important in the future."
The final beneficiaries of the project are farmers managing the affected areas directly at risk of erosion. The final group of beneficiaries is approximately 2500 households, which is approximately 12 500 inhabitants including children. Local officials must also be included as beneficiaries of the project, who will be able to positively influence whole areas and the next generation of small farmers by increasing their knowledge and practical experience.
You can read the whole article in the Czech language here: